Tour Guide of Chaos


Nothing was ever enough for me. I remember thinking “this shit just cannot be it” at age 4 before I ever know what ‘shit’ or ‘it’ even was. I just knew that this couldn’t be it. I was smart. But I was undercapitalized and half-orphaned. I was born into the chaos of poverty and felt both like a lifer and a visitor at the exact same time.

My pursuit of a different kind of ‘shit’ and ‘it’ landed me with 5 degrees (a few terminal, and one from the art ivy league), 10 years of experience in academia, 10 more in strip clubs, a long fine arts exhibition record, and a life lived in 3 different countries. I have an insatiable appetite for creativity, independence, passion, and a strong belief that being who you are is an act of both defiance and justice.

I used to joke with a friend that I knew chaos so well, I could be a tour guide for its visitors. Tuning into that truth about myself opened the door to a lifelong career in the arts on the subject of becoming.

Today, I spend my days educating the most creative minds in one of the top art schools in the country. I also run a six figure business that centers the feminine erotic as the container of our greatest selves.